The SPEA(K-it) is like carrying an entire therapy room in a bag.
The sturdy nylon carryall has rolling wheels and an extended handle, perfect for therapists on-the-go! It comes complete with everything needed to perform an oral placement assessment, implement all of the activities from “Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding,” and assess and address sensory and feeding issues as taught in the “Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach” course.
1 Book - “Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding”
1 Book - “The HOMEWORK Book”
1 Book - “Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw”
1 Horn Kit
1 Straw Kit
1 Bubble Kit
1 Spinner and Toothies
1 set of 2 Jaw Grading Bite Blocks
1 set of 2 Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks
1 set of 2 Jaw Exercisers
1 Bite Tube Set
1 set of Progressive Jaw Closure Tubes
1 Pre-Hierarchy Horn
1 Sensory Bean Bag Kit
1 Original Honey Bear
1 Recessed Lid Cup
1 set of Straw Cups
1 Blue & 1 Pink Cut-Out Cups
1 Box of 50 Flavored Tongue Depressors
1 Button Pull Program
1 set of Tongue Tip Lateralization & Elevation Tools
1 Mini Mirror with Case
1 Dental Ruler
1 set of 3 Nose Flutes
1 set of 6 Kazoos
1 set of Duration Tubes
1 Sensi with Chewy Tip
3 of each Sensi tips: Soft textured spoon tip, Wee chewy tip, Spoon tip, Round tip, Wee round tip
1 puppet
1 Carryall with wheels and handle